Software Testing Course in Mysuru Overview

Automation testing is the process of using automated tools and scripts to execute pre-defined test cases on software applications to validate their functionality, performance, and other quality attributes. It involves the use of specialized software tools to control the execution of tests and compare actual outcomes with expected outcomes. Automation testing is widely used in software development to improve the efficiency, accuracy, and repeatability of the testing process.

What is Software Testing?
Manual Testing & its challenges
Challenges in Manual testing
Automation Testing beats Manual testing
Selenium as an automation testing tool
Advantages and Disadvantages in Selenium
Selenium V/s Other Tools
Selenium Suite of Tool's

Getting started with python
Installing Python3
Running python programs
Datatype & Variables• Python numbers
Python Strings
Python String Formatting
Python Lists
Python Dictionaries
Python Tuples
Datatype conversion
Python Control Statements
Python Functions
Python Loops
Python Mathematical Function
Python Generating Random numbers
Python File Handling
Python Object and Classes
Python Operator Overloading
Python inheritance and polymorphism
Python Exception Handling
Python Modules
Python Built-in Functions
How to read and write file

Introduction to WebDriver
WebDriver features and drawbacks
Install Selenium with Python
Run tests on Chrome, Firefox & IE
Locators in Selenium
X Path in detailed
Capturing Xpath & ChroPath plug-in
Difference Between Absolute And Relative Xpath
Writing Xpaths
Built-in functions in XPath
Handling Dynamic elements using Xpath

Basic commands
Close & Quite
Conditional commands
waits- implit wait & explit wait
Navigation commands

Dropdown boxes
Radio buttons
Check boxes
Browser windows
Web/HTML Tables
Scroll Webpage

Mouse actions
Mouse Hover
Right click
Double click
Drag and Drop
Upload files
Download files
Date Pickers

Handle Dynamic Elements
Handle Cookies
Capture screen shots

What is data driven testing?
Read data from Excel file
Write data into Excel file
Excel Utilities Class
Data Driven testing using Microsoft Excel

PyTest Installation
PyTest Naming Convensions
PyTest Test case
PyTest Fixtures
How to use common Fixtures in Multiple Modules
Run All the Modules in Package
Run Specific Module from a Package
Run Specific Test Method from a Module
Grouping Tests
Skipping Tests
Ordering Tests
Run tests in parallel using pyTest xdist-plugin
Ordering Tests
Command Line arguments
pyTest HTML Report generation
Selenium Python Project| PyTest, Page Object Model,HTML Reports

Basic Test Case
Handling Web Elements
Radio Buttons and Check boxes
Handling Dropdowns
Close Browsers,Alerts & Frames
Handling Browser Windows
Capture Screenshots
Mouse actions
User Defined Keywords
Testing using scripData driven Testing using Excel and csv
Database Testing
PageObject Model
Parallel execution
Headless Browser Testing
Jenkins Integration